Winter has finally arrived! However, the harsh weather conditions can lead to some individuals to experience flaky, dry and irritated skin as a result. I have put together a few simple steps that you can follow to combat winter-induced dry skin .
1. Exfoliate
When trying to avoid dry winter skin it is important to gently exfoliate the surface of the skin before applying an effective facial moisturiser. However, if skin is already irritated exfoliating should not be advised as this may irritate the skin further. The exfoliation process removes the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin which may be clogging up pores and making it hard for your skin to absorb follow up products such as serums and moisturisers. Laserlite Clinic offers the Obagi 360 exfoliating cleanser- The product contains chemical and physical exfoliates that gently remove dead cells on the surface of the skin which helps to promotes healthy skin cell growth whilst reducing the appearance of dry skin. Laserlite clinic also offers Microdermabrasion treatments a painless, non-invasive procedure where a combination of a fine abrasive tip and vacuum suction is applied on the skin, resulting in the removal of dead and damaged cells.
2. Moisturise Effectively
When fighting dry skin during the winter months it is essential to ensure that you’re moisturising daily in order to lock in your skins natural moisture. Studies have shown that the harsh conditions during the winter months can stiffen your skin and make it more susceptible to infections and breakouts. Moisturising effectively is the major key in tacking dry skin during the winter. Laserlite clinic offers a variety of effective facial moisturisers such as the Obagi360 HydraFactor SPF. This formula is packed with antioxidants to protect you against the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. I t also contains essential hydrating ingredients that work effectively to combat dry skin during the winter season. Laserlite Clinic also offers Obagi HydrateR Moisturizer. This essential skin product is formulated to improve the overall softness of the skin and has been designed to be effective for a variety of different skin types. The naturally-derived ingredients present aids to provide long lasting smoothness.
3. Other Factors
The things you feed your body also play a big part on the appearance of your skin. The harsher conditions will require you to replenish the moisture lost from your skin during the day. Hence ensure you stay hydrated constantly during the winter seasons. Health authorities’ advice that individuals should aim to drink around 2 litres of water a day- not only will this boost skin health and beauty it has a variety of other health benefits such as the maintenance of blood pressure and the lubrication of joints. There are many nutritional foods available that have a high water content such as cucumbers, tomatoes and citrus fruits.
*Call us on 0208 686 0095 for more information on the names and prices of the products listed in this blog.
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